all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 9NR 0 54.967846 -1.451245
NE34 9PB 3 54.972549 -1.460443
NE34 9PD 1 54.973334 -1.46484
NE34 9PE 3 54.971099 -1.461571
NE34 9PH 7 54.971488 -1.462175
NE34 9PL 4 54.982474 -1.4572
NE34 9PN 2 54.985306 -1.471494
NE34 9PQ 1 54.976109 -1.45243
NE34 9PS 3 54.976468 -1.456594
NE34 9PT 1 54.978303 -1.448681
NE34 9PY 3 54.977998 -1.449136
NE34 9QD 3 54.970609 -1.462656
NE34 9QE 3 54.976021 -1.451101
NE34 9QF 0 54.967933 -1.458773
NE34 9QJ 0 54.970262 -1.461116
NE34 9QL 0 54.969745 -1.461967
NE34 9QN 0 54.968545 -1.460999
NE34 9QP 0 54.967385 -1.458812
NE34 9QR 0 54.969459 -1.460237
NE34 9QS 1 54.96858 -1.458749