all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 9HE 0 54.962595 -1.45469
NE34 9HF 0 54.96178 -1.45731
NE34 9HG 1 54.965239 -1.4455
NE34 9HH 0 54.963151 -1.444391
NE34 9HJ 0 54.962399 -1.443027
NE34 9HL 0 54.961443 -1.442462
NE34 9HN 0 54.961034 -1.443233
NE34 9HP 0 54.960725 -1.444549
NE34 9HQ 0 54.964275 -1.444687
NE34 9HR 0 54.961553 -1.444897
NE34 9HS 0 54.961935 -1.443814
NE34 9HT 0 54.962546 -1.445742
NE34 9HU 0 54.963667 -1.44532
NE34 9HW 0 54.961234 -1.445713
NE34 9HX 0 54.96361 -1.446664
NE34 9HY 0 54.963131 -1.448077
NE34 9HZ 0 54.96258 -1.447366
NE34 9JA 0 54.962354 -1.449087
NE34 9JB 0 54.961725 -1.447081
NE34 9JD 2 54.961504 -1.447958