all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 1BY 0 54.968074 -2.095625
NE46 1BZ 0 54.967633 -2.096093
NE46 1DA 1 54.967131 -2.095154
NE46 1DB 0 54.967428 -2.094796
NE46 1DD 0 54.967509 -2.093859
NE46 1DE 0 54.967122 -2.094577
NE46 1DF 0 54.966861 -2.095763
NE46 1DG 0 54.966007 -2.095823
NE46 1DH 0 54.967186 -2.093468
NE46 1DJ 0 54.967322 -2.092172
NE46 1DL 0 54.967906 -2.092798
NE46 1DN 0 54.968165 -2.094267
NE46 1DP 0 54.969063 -2.095222
NE46 1DQ 0 54.96635 -2.094184
NE46 1DR 2 54.968471 -2.093814
NE46 1DS 0 54.96787 -2.091907
NE46 1DT 0 54.968284 -2.091627
NE46 1DU 0 54.967943 -2.091423
NE46 1DW 0 54.968631 -2.095533
NE46 1DX 0 54.968096 -2.090486