all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 1DY 0 54.968159 -2.08994
NE46 1EA 0 54.967188 -2.091281
NE46 1EB 0 54.967341 -2.09011
NE46 1ED 0 54.966587 -2.090061
NE46 1EE 0 54.966981 -2.091015
NE46 1EF 0 54.966603 -2.09167
NE46 1EG 0 54.96638 -2.101291
NE46 1EH 1 54.968509 -2.102671
NE46 1EJ 0 54.966582 -2.095872
NE46 1EQ 0 54.966459 -2.092623
NE46 1ET 1 54.973278 -2.094544
NE46 1EU 3 54.97279 -2.094552
NE46 1EX 0 54.972278 -2.094426
NE46 1EZ 5 54.973267 -2.094506
NE46 1HB 1 54.971508 -2.094368
NE46 1HD 0 54.972017 -2.094956
NE46 1HE 0 54.971308 -2.09433
NE46 1HG 0 54.971167 -2.094149
NE46 1HH 0 54.970755 -2.091742
NE46 1HJ 1 54.970387 -2.090945