all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 1ST 1 54.927507 -2.099305
NE46 1SU 0 54.929369 -2.106028
NE46 1SW 0 54.924171 -2.091168
NE46 1SX 1 54.928571 -2.08336
NE46 1SY 0 54.931504 -2.077124
NE46 1SZ 2 54.941328 -2.088475
NE46 1TA 0 54.941573 -2.097108
NE46 1TL 0 54.96727 -2.076255
NE46 1TP 1 54.96028 -2.087783
NE46 1TR 0 54.95397 -2.077198
NE46 1TS 0 54.949496 -2.072249
NE46 1TT 0 54.92036 -2.063966
NE46 1TY 0 54.930394 -2.052122
NE46 1TU 0 54.923005 -2.07408
NE46 1TW 1 54.960163 -2.084402
NE46 1TX 0 54.930689 -2.069469
NE46 1UA 0 54.937245 -2.061083
NE46 1UB 0 54.935164 -2.07404
NE46 1UD 0 54.943662 -2.062723
NE46 1UE 0 54.968259 -2.076273