all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 1HL 0 54.971116 -2.089572
NE46 1HN 2 54.970236 -2.088492
NE46 1HW 1 54.970588 -2.086868
NE46 1HP 0 54.970029 -2.085923
NE46 1HQ 0 54.971133 -2.091337
NE46 1HR 0 54.969724 -2.085532
NE46 1HS 0 54.969241 -2.0851
NE46 1HT 0 54.969467 -2.084179
NE46 1HU 0 54.969161 -2.083928
NE46 1HX 0 54.968137 -2.083426
NE46 1HY 0 54.967678 -2.084769
NE46 1HZ 0 54.968583 -2.085139
NE46 1JA 0 54.9688 -2.086958
NE46 1JB 0 54.968019 -2.08591
NE46 1JD 2 54.967335 -2.08733
NE46 1JE 0 54.968206 -2.087316
NE46 1JF 0 54.968511 -2.088722
NE46 1JG 0 54.968852 -2.089395
NE46 1JH 0 54.969372 -2.090739
NE46 1JJ 0 54.9694 -2.089786