all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 3BA 0 54.973762 -2.116822
NE46 3BD 0 54.974392 -2.115168
NE46 3BE 0 54.974724 -2.115794
NE46 3BG 0 54.97564 -2.116547
NE46 3BJ 0 54.975727 -2.119562
NE46 3BN 0 54.972357 -2.128253
NE46 3BQ 0 54.97468 -2.114919
NE46 3BZ 0 54.9703 -2.109689
NE46 3DA 0 54.970084 -2.110048
NE46 3DB 1 54.969913 -2.110141
NE46 3DD 2 54.970029 -2.11136
NE46 3DE 0 54.970379 -2.111048
NE46 3DF 1 54.970739 -2.111268
NE46 3DG 1 54.970549 -2.112174
NE46 3DH 0 54.969839 -2.112937
NE46 3DJ 1 54.970961 -2.113549
NE46 3DL 0 54.971474 -2.112942
NE46 3DN 0 54.971843 -2.112177
NE46 3DP 0 54.971539 -2.111192
NE46 3DR 0 54.970838 -2.110737