all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 3DS 0 54.971189 -2.110192
NE46 3DT 0 54.971691 -2.111536
NE46 3DU 0 54.972042 -2.111444
NE46 3DW 0 54.971394 -2.111895
NE46 3DX 0 54.972464 -2.111195
NE46 3DY 0 54.972661 -2.111961
NE46 3DZ 0 54.972096 -2.110522
NE46 3EA 0 54.972357 -2.110492
NE46 3EB 0 54.972448 -2.109039
NE46 3ED 0 54.973014 -2.108744
NE46 3EE 0 54.973418 -2.110057
NE46 3EF 0 54.972788 -2.110852
NE46 3EG 0 54.973534 -2.110573
NE46 3EH 0 54.973721 -2.112276
NE46 3EJ 0 54.974072 -2.111684
NE46 3EL 0 54.974044 -2.112621
NE46 3EN 0 54.974953 -2.111983
NE46 3EP 0 54.974093 -2.108544
NE46 3EQ 0 54.973605 -2.111479
NE46 3ER 0 54.974048 -2.108122