all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 3ES 0 54.974292 -2.107169
NE46 3ET 0 54.974893 -2.10803
NE46 3EU 0 54.975082 -2.107484
NE46 3EW 2 54.974523 -2.109638
NE46 3EX 0 54.974661 -2.106827
NE46 3EY 0 54.975218 -2.106297
NE46 3EZ 0 54.97582 -2.107033
NE46 3HA 1 54.976647 -2.106785
NE46 3HD 0 54.977312 -2.106724
NE46 3HE 0 54.977294 -2.106381
NE46 3HF 0 54.977176 -2.107396
NE46 3HG 0 54.977968 -2.106789
NE46 3HH 0 54.977364 -2.106187
NE46 3HJ 1 54.97681 -2.104395
NE46 3HN 9 54.975273 -2.104829
NE46 3HP 0 54.976555 -2.109035
NE46 3HQ 1 54.977781 -2.104601
NE46 3HR 0 54.975452 -2.106344
NE46 3HS 4 54.976179 -2.104449
NE46 3HT 0 54.970971 -2.112643