all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 3RJ 0 54.97439 -2.117277
NE46 3RL 0 54.974526 -2.116793
NE46 3RN 0 54.973043 -2.125865
NE46 3RP 0 54.977586 -2.12038
NE46 3RR 2 54.978069 -2.131193
NE46 3RS 0 54.983376 -2.143242
NE46 3RT 0 54.983906 -2.143041
NE46 3RU 7 54.976519 -2.106169
NE46 3RY 5 54.979034 -2.109947
NE46 3RZ 1 54.979709 -2.11538
NE46 3SA 0 54.984003 -2.128947
NE46 3SB 0 54.987416 -2.13885
NE46 3SD 1 54.993498 -2.154844
NE46 3SG 4 54.975495 -2.098361
NE46 3SH 0 54.974984 -2.116263
NE46 3SQ 0 54.973164 -2.112181
NE46 3SW 3 54.972257 -2.101134
NE46 3BU 51 0 54.975507 -2.114422
NE46 3HX 29 0 54.976926 -2.105645
NE46 3BF 2 0 54.975117 -2.10629