all postcodes in NE6 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE6 4UN 5 0 54.983787 -1.542457
NE6 4UP 22 2 54.985119 -1.542973
NE6 4UQ 8 0 54.986338 -1.539771
NE6 4UR 45 0 54.985366 -1.541782
NE6 4US 45 0 54.985366 -1.541782
NE6 4UT 45 0 54.985777 -1.541121
NE6 4UU 45 0 54.985777 -1.541121
NE6 4UX 45 0 54.985684 -1.540294
NE6 4UY 45 0 54.985684 -1.540294
NE6 4XA 62 0 54.985021 -1.540849
NE6 4XB 9 0 54.986066 -1.53918
NE6 4XD 25 0 54.986849 -1.539499
NE6 4XE 12 0 54.987765 -1.539208
NE6 4XH 31 0 54.987532 -1.539476
NE6 4XJ 20 0 54.987797 -1.540676
NE6 4XL 6 0 54.987483 -1.540758
NE6 4XS 9 0 54.985724 -1.553451
NE6 4XT 48 0 54.983853 -1.552863
NE6 4XU 24 0 54.985211 -1.55316
NE6 4XW 1 1 54.985611 -1.552046