all postcodes in NE6 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE6 4JQ 20 1 54.97726 -1.541625
NE6 4JS 21 0 54.976164 -1.546636
NE6 4JT 12 0 54.97662 -1.543632
NE6 4JU 14 0 54.976928 -1.541785
NE6 4JX 14 0 54.977984 -1.540632
NE6 4JY 12 0 54.979076 -1.541854
NE6 4LA 22 0 54.980633 -1.542571
NE6 4LB 32 0 54.97754 -1.542074
NE6 4LD 23 0 54.977483 -1.543528
NE6 4LE 33 0 54.978698 -1.544124
NE6 4LH 37 1 54.978261 -1.542676
NE6 4LJ 39 0 54.97964 -1.543722
NE6 4LL 38 0 54.979277 -1.540383
NE6 4LN 28 0 54.978963 -1.542839
NE6 4LP 32 0 54.978504 -1.542579
NE6 4LQ 18 0 54.978845 -1.540153
NE6 4LR 28 0 54.978115 -1.539631
NE6 4LT 15 15 54.980564 -1.53854
NE6 4LU 6 0 54.98214 -1.536897
NE6 4NP 28 0 54.987595 -1.558838