all postcodes in NE6 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE6 4DR 46 0 54.977342 -1.546733
NE6 4DS 50 0 54.977342 -1.544902
NE6 4DT 56 0 54.978442 -1.545423
NE6 4DU 37 0 54.978374 -1.546487
NE6 4DY 20 0 54.97747 -1.549684
NE6 4EA 22 0 54.977822 -1.547633
NE6 4EB 16 0 54.978408 -1.548142
NE6 4ED 17 2 54.977089 -1.548735
NE6 4HQ 64 1 54.980746 -1.551147
NE6 4EE 16 0 54.978302 -1.548862
NE6 4EH 18 0 54.978092 -1.550364
NE6 4EJ 28 0 54.977673 -1.551322
NE6 4EL 13 0 54.97683 -1.549097
NE6 4EN 74 46 54.975119 -1.550726
NE6 4EP 2 0 54.975824 -1.552418
NE6 4EQ 27 0 54.977083 -1.547064
NE6 4ER 8 0 54.975238 -1.551644
NE6 4EX 28 1 54.979807 -1.557361
NE6 4EY 52 2 54.978488 -1.555967
NE6 4HA 47 3 54.976295 -1.555368