all postcodes in NE6 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE6 4BE 18 0 54.978834 -1.559184
NE6 4BH 34 0 54.979621 -1.557972
NE6 4BJ 27 0 54.978388 -1.557376
NE6 4BL 10 0 54.976889 -1.558096
NE6 4BN 16 0 54.97674 -1.559113
NE6 4BP 24 0 54.976156 -1.558932
NE6 4BQ 41 0 54.975047 -1.558054
NE6 4BR 41 0 54.976859 -1.557237
NE6 4BS 13 0 54.975843 -1.556842
NE6 4BY 32 1 54.975641 -1.553438
NE6 4DB 65 1 54.976275 -1.549932
NE6 4DE 34 0 54.976849 -1.554331
NE6 4DF 21 0 54.976828 -1.546332
NE6 4DG 1 1 54.97832 -1.551174
NE6 4DH 33 0 54.978092 -1.55263
NE6 4DJ 27 0 54.978677 -1.550561
NE6 4DL 41 0 54.979212 -1.546946
NE6 4DN 28 0 54.97744 -1.544044
NE6 4DP 36 0 54.978646 -1.544577
NE6 4DQ 30 0 54.977094 -1.550063