all postcodes in NE6 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE6 4HB 16 0 54.977724 -1.555243
NE6 4HD 16 0 54.9786 -1.554155
NE6 4HE 72 0 54.980189 -1.553575
NE6 4HH 19 0 54.981597 -1.55295
NE6 4HJ 55 0 54.979512 -1.552692
NE6 4HL 71 0 54.980245 -1.551731
NE6 4HN 52 0 54.978826 -1.551887
NE6 4HP 37 1 54.979909 -1.550641
NE6 4HR 9 0 54.981981 -1.552055
NE6 4HS 30 0 54.982076 -1.553633
NE6 4HT 16 1 54.982351 -1.554926
NE6 4HU 31 0 54.980744 -1.555335
NE6 4HX 41 0 54.980805 -1.55485
NE6 4HY 45 0 54.981024 -1.555754
NE6 4JA 23 0 54.981485 -1.556702
NE6 4JB 3 0 54.978255 -1.555565
NE6 4JD 12 0 54.975351 -1.555051
NE6 4JL 30 1 54.976092 -1.549043
NE6 4JN 55 1 54.976505 -1.546445
NE6 4JP 15 3 54.976874 -1.544129