all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 1UF 5 0 55.411145 -1.704369
NE66 1UG 6 0 55.4109 -1.703249
NE66 1UH 8 0 55.409878 -1.704283
NE66 1UJ 1 1 55.410427 -1.704437
NE66 1UL 7 1 55.410024 -1.705325
NE66 1UN 1 1 55.40919 -1.705963
NE66 1UP 3 0 55.410645 -1.705778
NE66 1UQ 2 0 55.410129 -1.703159
NE66 1UR 23 2 55.410769 -1.708415
NE66 1UT 2 0 55.410745 -1.709203
NE66 1UU 16 0 55.410484 -1.709775
NE66 1UW 14 2 55.410655 -1.706141
NE66 1UY 13 1 55.411038 -1.708428
NE66 1UZ 31 0 55.410129 -1.707946
NE66 1WW 1 1 55.401083 -1.697717
NE66 1XA 6 0 55.409888 -1.708516
NE66 1XB 5 0 55.409654 -1.708233
NE66 1XD 2 0 55.409592 -1.707775
NE66 1XE 1 0 55.409699 -1.7076
NE66 1XF 5 0 55.409412 -1.708583