all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 1SW 22 0 55.401792 -1.704549
NE66 1SX 43 19 55.412801 -1.705257
NE66 1TA 1 1 55.412782 -1.704783
NE66 1TB 1 0 55.412565 -1.704311
NE66 1TD 24 14 55.413411 -1.704905
NE66 1TF 1 1 55.413258 -1.704763
NE66 1TL 6 4 55.413307 -1.706501
NE66 1TN 4 4 55.413102 -1.707181
NE66 1TR 27 0 55.412453 -1.706381
NE66 1TS 21 2 55.411702 -1.707792
NE66 1TT 9 0 55.411962 -1.707679
NE66 1TU 8 2 55.411743 -1.706323
NE66 1TW 28 0 55.412005 -1.70711
NE66 1TX 19 0 55.412251 -1.704787
NE66 1TY 1 0 55.411147 -1.705111
NE66 1TZ 1 0 55.411021 -1.704938
NE66 1UA 4 0 55.411161 -1.70361
NE66 1UB 11 0 55.411139 -1.705379
NE66 1UD 1 0 55.412701 -1.705068
NE66 1UE 3 0 55.411245 -1.704668