all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 1XG 1 0 55.409234 -1.709168
NE66 1XH 2 0 55.410261 -1.710235
NE66 1XJ 12 0 55.4108 -1.71042
NE66 1XL 48 0 55.411051 -1.710039
NE66 1XN 7 0 55.412015 -1.707489
NE66 1XP 35 0 55.411726 -1.710477
NE66 1XQ 6 1 55.410451 -1.710739
NE66 1XR 12 0 55.412029 -1.70959
NE66 1XS 6 0 55.411822 -1.709497
NE66 1XT 13 0 55.411891 -1.708217
NE66 1XU 1 0 55.410966 -1.704623
NE66 1XW 10 0 55.411581 -1.710114
NE66 1XX 40 0 55.409801 -1.709622
NE66 1XY 35 0 55.40993 -1.703651
NE66 1YA 22 0 55.411444 -1.708994
NE66 1YB 8 0 55.410976 -1.708934
NE66 1YE 1 0 55.401083 -1.697717
NE66 1YN 5 0 55.411464 -1.709768
NE66 1YR 1 0 55.401083 -1.697717
NE66 1YS 3 0 55.408409 -1.717687