all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 1RF 9 1 55.406638 -1.698527
NE66 1RG 10 0 55.407142 -1.698966
NE66 1RJ 23 0 55.406502 -1.69777
NE66 1RL 36 0 55.406966 -1.696472
NE66 1RN 2 0 55.406357 -1.696586
NE66 1RP 6 0 55.405973 -1.698517
NE66 1RQ 15 3 55.406128 -1.699337
NE66 1RR 20 0 55.405811 -1.698218
NE66 1RS 17 0 55.404826 -1.695936
NE66 1RT 11 0 55.404962 -1.696614
NE66 1RU 5 0 55.405637 -1.697114
NE66 1RW 12 0 55.406204 -1.697362
NE66 1RX 32 0 55.406004 -1.696227
NE66 1RY 13 0 55.405616 -1.695724
NE66 1SE 11 0 55.402066 -1.706363
NE66 1SF 21 0 55.412967 -1.703534
NE66 1SP 4 0 55.412716 -1.7072
NE66 1SS 26 13 55.412868 -1.706915
NE66 1ST 1 1 55.412903 -1.706583
NE66 1SU 2 0 55.412778 -1.706282