all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 1YU 1 0 55.412942 -1.696805
NE66 1YY 1 1 55.412854 -1.694168
NE66 1JT 2 55.413846 -1.709449
NE66 1WT 4 0 55.412331 -1.708103
NE66 1US 6 0 55.411181 -1.708048
NE66 1PA 20 0 55.411563 -1.702549
NE66 1WS 1 1 55.401083 -1.697717
NE66 1RZ 0 55.409708 -1.700952
NE66 1SH 2 0 55.412029 -1.70872
NE66 1NH 0 55.411734 -1.713999
NE66 1SA 8 0 55.409215 -1.701319
NE66 1PS 12 0 55.408809 -1.700548
NE66 1PT 34 0 55.408891 -1.701053
NE66 1JE 42 0 55.413602 -1.709499
NE66 1NJ 2 2 55.412832 -1.709867
NE66 1LE 51 0 55.412947 -1.710183
NE66 1AB 0 55.411019 -1.707718
NE66 1PH 55 0 55.412343 -1.701911
NE66 1AA 1 1 55.413661 -1.708141
NE66 1ET 0 55.409242 -1.712611