all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 8RS 1 52.403301 -0.72092
NN16 8RT 0 52.403588 -0.720779
NN16 8RU 11 52.401046 -0.724674
NN16 8RW 1 52.403999 -0.723883
NN16 8RX 6 52.401864 -0.720226
NN16 8RY 0 52.403558 -0.724675
NN16 8RZ 1 52.402275 -0.718583
NN16 8SA 1 52.39972 -0.728152
NN16 8SD 1 52.409446 -0.74819
NN16 8SE 0 52.402096 -0.720822
NN16 8SN 1 52.410089 -0.737925
NN16 8SP 1 52.399681 -0.727888
NN16 8SS 0 52.399033 -0.727819
NN16 8ST 10 52.398254 -0.728341
NN16 8SU 5 52.398884 -0.72847
NN16 8SW 1 52.399289 -0.728149
NN16 8SX 5 52.399478 -0.728188
NN16 8SY 12 52.399725 -0.728549
NN16 8SZ 1 52.398476 -0.727864
NN16 8TA 1 52.400287 -0.729032