all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 4BN 134 0 51.550485 -0.16842
NW3 4BU 56 0 51.550512 -0.166154
NW3 4BX 15 0 51.550006 -0.165381
NW3 4BY 53 0 51.549374 -0.165796
NW3 4DA 60 0 51.548628 -0.166403
NW3 4DB 50 0 51.548762 -0.166917
NW3 4DD 17 0 51.549306 -0.166664
NW3 4DE 5 0 51.549534 -0.166265
NW3 4DG 9 0 51.549631 -0.166132
NW3 4DH 9 0 51.549427 -0.166327
NW3 4DJ 54 0 51.548947 -0.167241
NW3 4DL 37 0 51.549019 -0.167858
NW3 4DN 49 0 51.549492 -0.167031
NW3 4DR 1 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 4DU 98 1 51.548425 -0.17182
NW3 4DX 56 0 51.547772 -0.172668
NW3 4DY 5 0 51.54738 -0.1729
NW3 4EA 10 0 51.547264 -0.172919
NW3 4EB 6 0 51.547149 -0.173053
NW3 4ED 6 0 51.547078 -0.173114