all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 1LX 1 51.556046 -0.14897
NW5 1LY 0 51.55608 -0.149644
NW5 1LZ 0 51.555843 -0.149451
NW5 1NA 0 51.556516 -0.149886
NW5 1NB 0 51.557097 -0.150223
NW5 1ND 1 0 51.557462 -0.150006
NW5 1NJ 8 0 51.556301 -0.147658
NW5 1NR 14 3 51.552102 -0.141424
NW5 1NS 6 5 51.552957 -0.142053
NW5 1NT 23 0 51.553139 -0.142219
NW5 1NU 37 0 51.553585 -0.143109
NW5 1NX 7 0 51.55377 -0.143448
NW5 1PA 13 1 51.553984 -0.143872
NW5 1PB 50 8 51.555186 -0.144804
NW5 1PD 6 0 51.557161 -0.146311
NW5 1PE 5 0 51.557216 -0.146395
NW5 1PG 5 0 51.557253 -0.146451
NW5 1PH 23 0 51.557883 -0.147075
NW5 1PJ 1 0 51.558912 -0.147307
NW5 1PL 22 0 51.558613 -0.1483