all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 1RG 9 0 51.561449 -0.147391
NW5 1RH 33 0 51.562569 -0.145413
NW5 1RJ 18 0 51.562395 -0.144641
NW5 1RL 1 1 51.558445 -0.149649
NW5 1RN 1 1 51.558701 -0.150262
NW5 1RP 1 1 51.559998 -0.149441
NW5 1RT 28 5 51.553357 -0.14345
NW5 1RU 1 1 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 1RX 20 1 51.558885 -0.147885
NW5 1RY 27 0 51.559217 -0.147828
NW5 1RZ 36 0 51.559943 -0.145995
NW5 1SA 26 0 51.559716 -0.145832
NW5 1SB 20 1 51.560124 -0.144877
NW5 1SD 29 0 51.559192 -0.145103
NW5 1SE 4 0 51.559002 -0.145587
NW5 1SG 34 0 51.559413 -0.14544
NW5 1SH 13 0 51.559687 -0.143423
NW5 1SJ 17 0 51.55992 -0.143734
NW5 1SL 36 0 51.559235 -0.142735
NW5 1SN 25 0 51.559561 -0.14288