all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 1SP 8 1 51.558563 -0.143819
NW5 1SR 12 0 51.557848 -0.143167
NW5 1SS 9 0 51.558018 -0.142889
NW5 1ST 24 2 51.558589 -0.143382
NW5 1SU 59 0 51.558238 -0.145084
NW5 1SW 9 0 51.558226 -0.144276
NW5 1SX 39 0 51.558757 -0.144875
NW5 1SY 8 1 51.55793 -0.146063
NW5 1TF 56 0 51.554895 -0.145739
NW5 1TL 52 45 51.553935 -0.144754
NW5 1TN 1 1 51.553557 -0.146457
NW5 1TR 94 7 51.555169 -0.145468
NW5 1TS 12 0 51.554708 -0.145891
NW5 1TU 49 0 51.554863 -0.143144
NW5 1TX 26 0 51.554605 -0.142765
NW5 1TY 23 0 51.554314 -0.143686
NW5 1UA 23 0 51.553953 -0.143037
NW5 1UB 20 0 51.554155 -0.142754
NW5 1UD 17 0 51.553631 -0.142617
NW5 1UE 63 1 51.554119 -0.141587