all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 1PN 4 0 51.557259 -0.14798
NW5 1PP 45 0 51.557251 -0.148615
NW5 1PQ 1 1 51.557085 -0.148348
NW5 1PR 44 0 51.556859 -0.149381
NW5 1PS 29 0 51.556836 -0.148545
NW5 1PT 12 0 51.556426 -0.148735
NW5 1PU 7 0 51.556781 -0.147884
NW5 1PX 40 0 51.556608 -0.147184
NW5 1QN 21 0 51.557445 -0.148953
NW5 1QP 40 0 51.557491 -0.149557
NW5 1QR 2 1 51.559302 -0.149772
NW5 1QS 1 1 51.558943 -0.148676
NW5 1QT 3 0 51.559016 -0.148745
NW5 1QU 48 0 51.560584 -0.149897
NW5 1QX 1 1 51.561435 -0.150295
NW5 1QY 26 1 51.561105 -0.150103
NW5 1RB 8 0 51.560589 -0.149316
NW5 1RD 46 0 51.561548 -0.148542
NW5 1RE 32 0 51.560858 -0.148685
NW5 1RF 11 0 51.561221 -0.147761