all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 1UG 40 1 51.554449 -0.142021
NW5 1UH 48 0 51.555939 -0.141831
NW5 1UJ 1 1 51.557418 -0.139624
NW5 1UN 55 0 51.556081 -0.141176
NW5 1UP 43 0 51.555399 -0.141247
NW5 1UR 45 0 51.555142 -0.140911
NW5 1UT 13 0 51.555467 -0.140422
NW5 1UX 13 2 51.556139 -0.144217
NW5 1WB 1 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 1WE 1 1 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 1XA 16 0 51.55579 -0.144347
NW5 1XB 32 0 51.555595 -0.143388
NW5 1XD 16 0 51.555767 -0.142905
NW5 1XE 32 0 51.556307 -0.142364
NW5 1XG 16 0 51.55667 -0.142017
NW5 1XH 43 0 51.556397 -0.143485
NW5 1XY 1 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 1YE 1 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 1ZL 1 0 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 1ZT 1 1 51.550837 -0.146726