all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 7NL 4 0 50.516679 -4.374087
PL17 7NN 4 0 50.518689 -4.35218
PL17 7NP 30 0 50.504432 -4.313181
PL17 7NQ 12 0 50.512816 -4.385213
PL17 7NR 2 2 50.502363 -4.314932
PL17 7NS 7 0 50.542845 -4.396391
PL17 7NT 83 3 50.534188 -4.404461
PL17 7NU 1 1 50.509333 -4.315057
PL17 7NW 6 0 50.517125 -4.361893
PL17 7NY 8 0 50.533783 -4.404892
PL17 7NZ 32 0 50.534284 -4.406357
PL17 7PA 13 0 50.538796 -4.403468
PL17 7PB 7 0 50.540775 -4.406914
PL17 7PD 2 0 50.541746 -4.412544
PL17 7PE 5 0 50.547401 -4.409242
PL17 7PF 1 0 50.538778 -4.407828
PL17 7PG 4 0 50.538119 -4.416192
PL17 7PH 12 0 50.534263 -4.405637
PL17 7PJ 24 0 50.50302 -4.303226
PL17 7PL 31 0 50.50235 -4.304801