all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 9GS 12 9 50.385909 -3.953561
PL21 9GX 3 1 50.387217 -3.935032
PL21 9HA 10 0 50.387574 -3.930347
PL21 9HB 14 0 50.388273 -3.932134
PL21 9HD 9 0 50.389282 -3.93475
PL21 9HE 6 0 50.38912 -3.936361
PL21 9HG 21 0 50.389021 -3.9371
PL21 9HH 5 0 50.38933 -3.936145
PL21 9HJ 6 0 50.387499 -3.932173
PL21 9HL 2 1 50.390343 -3.961775
PL21 9HN 15 6 50.388794 -3.954243
PL21 9HP 4 0 50.411578 -3.952534
PL21 9HQ 2 2 50.388036 -3.933585
PL21 9HR 5 0 50.412018 -3.957901
PL21 9HS 10 0 50.407284 -3.947882
PL21 9HT 9 0 50.401997 -3.950522
PL21 9HU 17 2 50.39896 -3.942799
PL21 9HW 13 1 50.390336 -3.949706
PL21 9HX 2 0 50.395396 -3.936108
PL21 9HZ 34 0 50.390041 -3.933979