all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 9EL 26 0 50.384512 -3.975055
PL21 9EN 1 1 50.387546 -3.961014
PL21 9EQ 3 0 50.388257 -3.972734
PL21 9ER 1 1 50.386092 -3.957634
PL21 9ES 26 25 50.385416 -3.927205
PL21 9ET 17 0 50.418887 -3.96549
PL21 9EU 22 0 50.38615 -3.971254
PL21 9EW 1 1 50.386617 -3.959035
PL21 9EX 18 0 50.385115 -3.971324
PL21 9EY 3 1 50.384855 -3.923991
PL21 9FN 3 0 50.389266 -3.929755
PL21 9GA 7 7 50.386127 -3.950938
PL21 9GB 7 6 50.387376 -3.953155
PL21 9GD 5 4 50.385974 -3.955236
PL21 9LL 4 4 50.385894 -3.955205
PL21 9GE 28 23 50.386402 -3.949938
PL21 9GG 1 1 50.387086 -3.950951
PL21 9GL 5 5 50.38731 -3.955994
PL21 9GN 5 5 50.388537 -3.956145
PL21 9GP 6 4 50.386955 -3.950395