all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 9LA 12 1 50.360293 -3.953592
PL21 9LB 3 0 50.358612 -3.962057
PL21 9LD 2 0 50.369749 -3.95786
PL21 9LE 7 0 50.37484 -3.958913
PL21 9LF 3 0 50.380779 -3.930786
PL21 9LG 13 0 50.389683 -3.935512
PL21 9LH 1 0 50.36266 -3.930897
PL21 9LN 1 1 50.386733 -3.954847
PL21 9LP 18 1 50.361801 -3.917013
PL21 9LR 5 0 50.361073 -3.916983
PL21 9LS 2 0 50.361233 -3.917269
PL21 9LT 3 0 50.361152 -3.917279
PL21 9LU 6 0 50.360988 -3.917247
PL21 9LX 2 0 50.360828 -3.917295
PL21 9LY 16 0 50.360748 -3.916014
PL21 9LZ 3 0 50.361749 -3.917447
PL21 9NA 4 0 50.361797 -3.917814
PL21 9NB 30 0 50.362535 -3.914511
PL21 9ND 10 0 50.362104 -3.917784
PL21 9NE 5 0 50.362255 -3.918971