all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 9PG 11 0 50.388098 -3.927513
PL21 9PH 8 0 50.403638 -3.968926
PL21 9PJ 2 0 50.401739 -3.975051
PL21 9PL 3 0 50.402974 -3.964029
PL21 9PN 13 0 50.397092 -3.972018
PL21 9PP 45 0 50.417607 -3.963551
PL21 9PQ 17 0 50.389558 -3.921506
PL21 9PS 30 16 50.388653 -3.921329
PL21 9PT 38 0 50.393442 -3.934961
PL21 9PU 5 1 50.420042 -3.964229
PL21 9PW 5 2 50.432733 -3.990943
PL21 9PX 6 0 50.420866 -3.963362
PL21 9PY 16 1 50.421026 -3.96403
PL21 9PZ 4 1 50.421526 -3.963699
PL21 9QA 2 0 50.421301 -3.96342
PL21 9QB 2 0 50.421222 -3.962783
PL21 9QD 2 0 50.420231 -3.963938
PL21 9QE 14 0 50.419691 -3.963201
PL21 9QF 3 0 50.419849 -3.963376
PL21 9QG 2 0 50.419355 -3.963058