all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 9NF 5 0 50.362434 -3.918472
PL21 9NG 4 0 50.363208 -3.921681
PL21 9NH 5 1 50.361989 -3.915994
PL21 9NJ 16 2 50.362695 -3.915193
PL21 9NL 6 0 50.362093 -3.915265
PL21 9NN 4 0 50.361368 -3.914957
PL21 9NP 1 0 50.361792 -3.914875
PL21 9NQ 2 0 50.362473 -3.919526
PL21 9NR 3 0 50.359555 -3.917414
PL21 9NS 9 0 50.358381 -3.920432
PL21 9NT 30 18 50.364232 -3.911992
PL21 9NU 20 0 50.350318 -3.950413
PL21 9NW 1 0 50.359669 -3.917081
PL21 9NX 35 0 50.346554 -3.930312
PL21 9NY 6 0 50.349608 -3.92012
PL21 9NZ 1 1 50.346333 -3.929939
PL21 9PB 1 1 50.38835 -3.961357
PL21 9PD 10 0 50.392518 -3.934319
PL21 9PE 18 18 50.386517 -3.961774
PL21 9PF 60 1 50.386724 -3.924081