all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 9QH 1 0 50.415972 -3.967171
PL21 9QJ 5 0 50.417971 -3.965424
PL21 9QL 34 0 50.418954 -3.964226
PL21 9QN 1 0 50.418571 -3.965055
PL21 9QQ 5 0 50.415873 -3.961325
PL21 9QS 1 0 50.419682 -3.969014
PL21 9QT 8 0 50.422445 -3.971015
PL21 9QU 4 0 50.421148 -3.964753
PL21 9QW 19 0 50.419376 -3.964229
PL21 9QX 2 0 50.420431 -3.952065
PL21 9QY 4 0 50.418094 -3.951983
PL21 9QZ 2 0 50.42588 -3.952711
PL21 9RA 5 0 50.426705 -3.951523
PL21 9RB 13 0 50.432995 -3.946994
PL21 9RD 6 0 50.430488 -3.952228
PL21 9RE 2 0 50.431723 -3.955008
PL21 9RF 3 0 50.43033 -3.963232
PL21 9RG 3 0 50.43039 -3.96929
PL21 9RH 4 0 50.417188 -3.977118
PL21 9RJ 28 0 50.391592 -3.938614