all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 8NB 4 0 50.397982 -4.853191
PL26 8ND 13 1 50.391355 -4.848684
PL26 8NE 12 0 50.409252 -4.864214
PL26 8NF 1 0 50.413248 -4.861936
PL26 8NG 12 0 50.421715 -4.873513
PL26 8NH 2 0 50.43279 -4.848173
PL26 8NJ 2 0 50.413989 -4.843075
PL26 8NL 4 0 50.426403 -4.84196
PL26 8NN 2 0 50.420257 -4.838368
PL26 8NQ 17 0 50.420378 -4.863859
PL26 8NW 10 0 50.399205 -4.793581
PL26 8PA 25 1 50.39482 -4.794096
PL26 8PB 7 1 50.396684 -4.793658
PL26 8PD 11 5 50.397397 -4.793559
PL26 8PE 37 2 50.394867 -4.793664
PL26 8PF 8 0 50.396403 -4.793402
PL26 8PG 27 1 50.396598 -4.792372
PL26 8PH 26 2 50.395704 -4.792897
PL26 8PJ 46 3 50.395227 -4.789928
PL26 8PL 11 1 50.396842 -4.794962