all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 8FF 20 0 50.405404 -4.829597
PL26 8GA 1 0 50.382572 -4.786104
PL26 8GN 1 0 50.341347 -4.758965
PL26 8HA 5 0 50.403127 -4.833656
PL26 8HB 14 0 50.402821 -4.832624
PL26 8HD 21 2 50.400072 -4.830982
PL26 8HE 1 0 50.399943 -4.825922
PL26 8HF 2 0 50.392935 -4.827757
PL26 8HG 8 0 50.398954 -4.830339
PL26 8HH 6 0 50.397677 -4.826632
PL26 8HJ 3 0 50.396766 -4.822637
PL26 8HL 2 0 50.39769 -4.827167
PL26 8HN 14 0 50.398264 -4.829101
PL26 8HP 3 0 50.397251 -4.829365
PL26 8HQ 39 0 50.396659 -4.82857
PL26 8HR 5 0 50.394935 -4.829874
PL26 8HS 26 2 50.392141 -4.823404
PL26 8HU 1 0 50.39814 -4.816457
PL26 8HW 32 0 50.399205 -4.828918
PL26 8HT 6 0 50.382947 -4.877063