all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 8HX 2 0 50.396586 -4.816308
PL26 8HY 8 0 50.393405 -4.826237
PL26 8HZ 3 0 50.392448 -4.825659
PL26 8JA 53 2 50.407374 -4.831446
PL26 8JB 11 0 50.408875 -4.828537
PL26 8JD 5 0 50.408341 -4.829786
PL26 8JE 25 1 50.408024 -4.831696
PL26 8JF 32 3 50.409231 -4.833105
PL26 8JG 14 0 50.411751 -4.831214
PL26 8JH 21 0 50.409178 -4.836044
PL26 8JJ 1 0 50.413136 -4.831621
PL26 8JL 27 0 50.409414 -4.834833
PL26 8JN 45 0 50.408814 -4.831785
PL26 8JP 65 0 50.406864 -4.830205
PL26 8JQ 53 0 50.407585 -4.834597
PL26 8JR 24 0 50.408795 -4.829588
PL26 8JT 1 1 50.398285 -4.831608
PL26 8JY 22 0 50.408715 -4.827345
PL26 8JZ 10 0 50.402039 -4.822585
PL26 8LA 21 2 50.401529 -4.814673