all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 8LB 9 0 50.404251 -4.806306
PL26 8LD 7 0 50.401581 -4.802869
PL26 8LE 2 0 50.409741 -4.820636
PL26 8LF 7 0 50.413939 -4.827065
PL26 8LG 23 8 50.418612 -4.829104
PL26 8GQ 10 0 50.418876 -4.830429
PL26 8LH 34 4 50.434024 -4.82415
PL26 8LJ 14 0 50.435146 -4.807922
PL26 8LL 3 0 50.430296 -4.807227
PL26 8LN 5 0 50.42318 -4.797949
PL26 8LP 30 1 50.415695 -4.811023
PL26 8LQ 14 12 50.421874 -4.832199
PL26 8LR 10 0 50.394949 -4.835616
PL26 8LS 7 0 50.391271 -4.834834
PL26 8LT 4 0 50.418607 -4.83596
PL26 8LW 3 0 50.419493 -4.815035
PL26 8LX 31 24 50.420657 -4.828944
PL26 8LY 6 0 50.397952 -4.828633
PL26 8LZ 2 0 50.406586 -4.843786
PL26 8NA 1 0 50.399915 -4.846637