all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6UW 16 0 50.517912 -4.829383
PL27 6QA 4 0 50.552831 -4.898059
PL27 6UX 11 0 50.578119 -4.913892
PL27 6QE 8 0 50.554946 -4.89151
PL27 6JN 0 50.544253 -4.918425
PL27 6JP 0 50.555265 -4.895667
PL27 6BN 1 1 50.523314 -4.824399
PL27 6NT 2 50.552773 -4.892491
PL27 6BW 14 0 50.516246 -4.832387
PL27 6BP 24 0 50.549216 -4.899122
PL27 6EZ 0 50.565469 -4.920033
PL27 6FD 2 50.545012 -4.924415
PL27 6QQ 77 0 50.51866 -4.835634
PL27 6FB 0 50.514647 -4.819
PL27 6FE 4 50.551453 -4.890603
PL27 6FF 1 0 50.545064 -4.924489
PL27 6FG 1 0 50.563129 -4.923008
PL27 6FH 0 50.517475 -4.830723
PL27 6FJ 0 50.518185 -4.831133
PL27 6FN 0 50.517859 -4.831198