all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6TP 8 0 50.572447 -4.919814
PL27 6TQ 39 0 50.571464 -4.916349
PL27 6TR 16 0 50.569376 -4.91711
PL27 6TS 39 0 50.568673 -4.918508
PL27 6TW 1 1 50.521972 -4.823319
PL27 6UA 25 0 50.578118 -4.912861
PL27 6UB 4 0 50.577572 -4.913027
PL27 6UD 16 0 50.576966 -4.913173
PL27 6UE 19 0 50.575904 -4.914619
PL27 6UF 22 0 50.578985 -4.91485
PL27 6UG 40 0 50.578302 -4.916547
PL27 6UH 18 0 50.576742 -4.91169
PL27 6UJ 12 0 50.518424 -4.826422
PL27 6UL 7 0 50.518391 -4.827789
PL27 6UN 9 0 50.518025 -4.827302
PL27 6UP 49 0 50.517463 -4.829709
PL27 6UQ 1 0 50.580141 -4.916378
PL27 6UR 10 0 50.518666 -4.829428
PL27 6UT 11 0 50.518828 -4.828676
PL27 6UU 4 0 50.516198 -4.828081