all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6RB 7 0 50.580939 -4.873452
PL27 6RD 17 1 50.573089 -4.871547
PL27 6RE 17 0 50.556548 -4.855419
PL27 6RF 1 0 50.547762 -4.853109
PL27 6RG 34 1 50.552168 -4.860574
PL27 6RH 11 1 50.537965 -4.867124
PL27 6RJ 7 0 50.539319 -4.882973
PL27 6RL 9 0 50.537909 -4.893686
PL27 6RN 4 0 50.5346 -4.904478
PL27 6RP 12 1 50.55205 -4.87624
PL27 6RQ 2 0 50.542205 -4.8575
PL27 6RR 2 2 50.555869 -4.87386
PL27 6RS 1 0 50.553081 -4.870189
PL27 6RT 8 0 50.573448 -4.873391
PL27 6RW 1 0 50.549359 -4.891633
PL27 6SA 46 1 50.562932 -4.923335
PL27 6SB 32 4 50.567085 -4.917619
PL27 6SD 43 1 50.567623 -4.920576
PL27 6SE 27 0 50.567332 -4.922548
PL27 6SF 50 0 50.565239 -4.92451