all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6SG 51 0 50.562689 -4.916797
PL27 6SH 3 0 50.555945 -4.924965
PL27 6SP 4 4 50.573031 -4.915119
PL27 6SQ 4 0 50.558771 -4.912714
PL27 6SR 13 4 50.573135 -4.914547
PL27 6SS 21 3 50.57245 -4.91398
PL27 6ST 40 1 50.574373 -4.912872
PL27 6SU 15 1 50.57298 -4.912108
PL27 6SW 24 0 50.574121 -4.910017
PL27 6SX 28 0 50.5738 -4.912045
PL27 6TA 2 0 50.571766 -4.915435
PL27 6TB 12 4 50.573523 -4.917014
PL27 6TD 17 1 50.572868 -4.918019
PL27 6TE 10 0 50.572021 -4.922374
PL27 6TF 47 0 50.571751 -4.918798
PL27 6TG 4 0 50.570863 -4.917004
PL27 6TH 7 0 50.56987 -4.915249
PL27 6TJ 9 1 50.569899 -4.91624
PL27 6TL 3 0 50.568773 -4.917032
PL27 6TN 34 0 50.570486 -4.919736