all postcodes in PO11 / HAYLING ISLAND

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO11 0DG 8 2 50.795498 -1.023927
PO11 0DH 11 0 50.788309 -0.9981
PO11 0DN 41 0 50.788016 -0.990219
PO11 0DP 8 0 50.787477 -0.991224
PO11 0DQ 22 0 50.794538 -1.022074
PO11 0DR 6 0 50.78811 -0.999041
PO11 0DS 9 0 50.787241 -0.994179
PO11 0DT 44 0 50.789011 -0.994014
PO11 0DW 19 0 50.787825 -0.994096
PO11 0DY 4 0 50.790656 -0.988644
PO11 0DZ 6 0 50.790935 -0.988681
PO11 0EA 19 9 50.790572 -0.989327
PO11 0EB 31 9 50.791519 -0.990782
PO11 0ED 8 6 50.793604 -0.99471
PO11 0EE 19 1 50.792117 -0.993365
PO11 0EF 35 1 50.792419 -0.993941
PO11 0EG 17 7 50.791364 -0.989494
PO11 0EH 1 1 50.793236 -0.994831
PO11 0EL 25 7 50.792364 -0.993032
PO11 0EN 31 0 50.791599 -0.994739