all postcodes in PO6 / PORTSMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO6 4RS 2 2 50.8453 -1.093098
PO6 4RT 10 0 50.84834 -1.116691
PO6 4RU 25 0 50.847903 -1.111145
PO6 4RW 1 1 50.847366 -1.096269
PO6 4RX 45 0 50.847153 -1.103616
PO6 4RY 21 0 50.847452 -1.108696
PO6 4RZ 13 0 50.847468 -1.111963
PO6 4SA 1 1 50.846422 -1.092793
PO6 4SB 2 0 50.846855 -1.098963
PO6 4SD 14 0 50.847404 -1.10472
PO6 4SE 8 0 50.847362 -1.103996
PO6 4SF 1 1 50.845138 -1.091965
PO6 4SG 60 0 50.84766 -1.102967
PO6 4SH 1 1 50.845775 -1.090561
PO6 4SJ 1 1 50.844484 -1.093455
PO6 4SL 19 0 50.848289 -1.114703
PO6 4SN 35 0 50.847951 -1.115178
PO6 4SP 10 0 50.84751 -1.115115
PO6 4SQ 63 0 50.847931 -1.105434
PO6 4SR 3 3 50.845818 -1.097335