all postcodes in PO6 / PORTSMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO6 4BE 5 0 50.852867 -1.093605
PO6 4BG 4 0 50.852282 -1.093588
PO6 4BH 47 0 50.851274 -1.092286
PO6 4BJ 7 0 50.851069 -1.093683
PO6 4BL 3 0 50.851787 -1.092376
PO6 4BN 4 0 50.852066 -1.092342
PO6 4BP 9 0 50.852818 -1.091958
PO6 4BS 48 0 50.851988 -1.090412
PO6 4BT 30 0 50.852576 -1.089747
PO6 4BU 36 0 50.852862 -1.089556
PO6 4BX 45 0 50.853262 -1.088938
PO6 4BY 10 0 50.853135 -1.092236
PO6 4BZ 34 0 50.853343 -1.095912
PO6 4DA 8 0 50.85341 -1.098681
PO6 4DB 4 0 50.852123 -1.086971
PO6 4DD 38 0 50.853566 -1.089841
PO6 4DE 45 0 50.853695 -1.096104
PO6 4DF 12 0 50.853878 -1.098828
PO6 4DG 44 0 50.854058 -1.09415
PO6 4DH 57 0 50.854295 -1.098038