all postcodes in PO6 / PORTSMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO6 4SS 65 0 50.843541 -1.097095
PO6 4ST 1 1 50.844056 -1.092782
PO6 4SU 12 0 50.842829 -1.095689
PO6 4SW 9 0 50.847476 -1.114122
PO6 4SX 40 0 50.842506 -1.095766
PO6 4SY 34 0 50.845081 -1.102037
PO6 4SZ 35 0 50.844303 -1.102535
PO6 4TA 11 0 50.845057 -1.101284
PO6 4TB 5 0 50.844313 -1.098075
PO6 4TD 30 0 50.844318 -1.098742
PO6 4TE 55 0 50.841064 -1.095396
PO6 4TF 38 0 50.841421 -1.095034
PO6 4TG 39 0 50.842017 -1.095335
PO6 4TH 10 10 50.842022 -1.10184
PO6 4TJ 4 3 50.843624 -1.103201
PO6 4TL 42 0 50.844219 -1.100988
PO6 4TN 28 0 50.845039 -1.100063
PO6 4TP 39 31 50.84086 -1.097076
PO6 4TQ 35 0 50.842073 -1.095661
PO6 4TR 24 19 50.841134 -1.100991