all postcodes in PO6 / PORTSMOUTH

find any address or company within the PO6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO6 4LS 26 0 50.853967 -1.105674
PO6 4LT 20 0 50.854456 -1.107355
PO6 4LU 12 0 50.854816 -1.109721
PO6 4LW 12 0 50.855224 -1.11369
PO6 4LX 12 0 50.855177 -1.109827
PO6 4LY 12 0 50.855145 -1.10916
PO6 4LZ 6 0 50.855105 -1.10872
PO6 4NA 12 0 50.855064 -1.108011
PO6 4NB 12 0 50.854987 -1.107345
PO6 4ND 12 0 50.854901 -1.106664
PO6 4NE 6 0 50.854779 -1.106055
PO6 4NF 20 0 50.854792 -1.107789
PO6 4NG 56 0 50.854103 -1.104691
PO6 4NH 1 0 50.85326 -1.104963
PO6 4NJ 6 0 50.85339 -1.104363
PO6 4NP 20 0 50.850692 -1.111376
PO6 4NR 4 0 50.851323 -1.111534
PO6 4NS 30 0 50.851396 -1.115325
PO6 4NT 17 0 50.851623 -1.111983
PO6 4NX 32 0 50.851711 -1.115235