all postcodes in PO6 / PORTSMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO6 4JL 42 0 50.850831 -1.109541
PO6 4JN 34 0 50.851901 -1.108284
PO6 4JP 24 0 50.850545 -1.105057
PO6 4JQ 25 0 50.851502 -1.107908
PO6 4JR 20 0 50.852383 -1.107821
PO6 4JS 8 5 50.849098 -1.094771
PO6 4JT 20 0 50.852621 -1.109535
PO6 4LA 24 0 50.850132 -1.101599
PO6 4LB 22 0 50.851907 -1.104363
PO6 4LD 4 0 50.852716 -1.104433
PO6 4LE 38 0 50.853166 -1.106769
PO6 4LF 46 0 50.854099 -1.108825
PO6 4LG 19 0 50.85494 -1.111807
PO6 4LH 12 0 50.85531 -1.113121
PO6 4LJ 12 0 50.855286 -1.112354
PO6 4LL 12 0 50.855261 -1.111474
PO6 4LN 12 0 50.855193 -1.110821
PO6 4LP 9 0 50.853301 -1.105615
PO6 4LQ 6 0 50.85295 -1.104442
PO6 4LR 12 0 50.854101 -1.106751