all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 9DJ 16 0 50.913691 -1.013463
PO8 9DL 8 0 50.901201 -1.007185
PO8 9DN 17 0 50.90258 -1.006459
PO8 9DP 9 0 50.904964 -1.005512
PO8 9DQ 40 0 50.904163 -1.008701
PO8 9DR 20 0 50.905834 -1.006304
PO8 9DS 8 0 50.914189 -1.012755
PO8 9DT 14 0 50.914044 -1.013797
PO8 9DU 6 0 50.914172 -1.015074
PO8 9DW 24 0 50.902727 -1.005801
PO8 9DX 6 0 50.906126 -1.005772
PO8 9DY 14 0 50.906743 -1.00536
PO8 9DZ 13 0 50.907287 -1.006999
PO8 9EA 13 0 50.905369 -1.006627
PO8 9EB 12 0 50.907004 -1.007545
PO8 9ED 30 0 50.90591 -1.007839
PO8 9EE 10 0 50.912591 -1.014254
PO8 9EF 17 0 50.912884 -1.013778
PO8 9EG 18 0 50.912159 -1.01304
PO8 9EH 27 0 50.897402 -1.008887