all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 9EJ 39 0 50.897146 -1.006219
PO8 9EL 33 0 50.898463 -1.004598
PO8 9EN 22 0 50.899923 -1.003927
PO8 9EP 9 0 50.902401 -1.004443
PO8 9EQ 10 0 50.912578 -1.012633
PO8 9ER 30 0 50.902555 -1.003558
PO8 9ES 7 0 50.903241 -1.002804
PO8 9ET 14 0 50.904405 -1.004287
PO8 9EU 11 0 50.903698 -1.004757
PO8 9EW 17 0 50.900989 -1.003407
PO8 9EX 35 0 50.904726 -1.002971
PO8 9EY 8 0 50.906023 -1.003242
PO8 9EZ 16 0 50.905685 -1.004743
PO8 9FB 2 2 50.908258 -1.003761
PO8 9GH 5 0 50.909633 -1.017446
PO8 9GJ 9 0 50.903889 -1.023127
PO8 9GU 5 0 50.913965 -1.010768
PO8 9HB 6 0 50.912257 -1.014076
PO8 9HD 9 0 50.906443 -1.003973
PO8 9HE 12 0 50.90501 -1.004601